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wiki:annex:networking [2020/09/19 20:01]
joshc [iSolutions Network]
wiki:annex:networking [2024/10/07 02:37] (current)
J_tech0 big network upgrade underway hooray
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 ====== Networking ====== ====== Networking ======
-The Ethernet network in Stagesoc consists of a very simple layout of a router and switch. The router acts as a gateway into the iSolutions network and WiFi access point so people can access the internet whilst on the LAN.+FIXME WIP, network upgrade underway
-The stagesoc private network currently uses '''' as its subnet range, with few addresses of key items statically set either in router DHCP or on devices themselves+The Ethernet network in Stagesoc will soon consist of a mini PC, a Cisco WiFi Access Point and big olNetgear network switchThe mini PC runs number of virtual machines through ProxmoxThis includes: 
 +  * OPNSense (The router) 
 +  * OpenMediaVault (a file share) 
 +  * TBD (maybe discord bots idk)
-If you don't know weird networky subnet jargon, this basically means that the range of available addresses is anywhere between '''', excluding '''' (the broadcast address) and '''' as only heathens like iSolutions use the ''.0'' address, ewww.+=====Networking Nonsense===== 
 +The router (the OPNSense VM) acts as a gateway into the iSolutions network so people can access the internet whilst on the StageSoc LAN. The PC also has an add-in card that provides an extra ethernet port - this is the "WAN" side of the router, and the LAN side is connected to the original Ethernet port via a software bridge (like a virtual network switch) that also connects to the other VMs. This should also be labelled on the PC. 
 +FIXME Diagram pls 
 +The stagesoc private network currently uses '''' as its subnet range, with a few addresses of key items statically set either in router DHCP or on devices themselves.  
 +If you don't know weird networky subnet jargon, this basically means that the range of available addresses is anywhere between '''', excluding '''' (the broadcast address) and '''' as only heathens like iSolutions use the ''.0'' address, ewww.
 Currently static devices are as follows: Currently static devices are as follows:
-'' - Router''\\ +'' - Router VM (OPNSense) (opnsense.lan)''\\ 
-'' Sound PC''\\ +''192.168.1.Proxmox (proxmox.lan)''
-'' - M32''+
-DHCP range is set to ''''.+DHCP range is set to ''''. 
 +Fortunately you don't have to worry about remembering these numbers as OPNSense will also resolve hostnames of local network devices, for example ''openmediavault.lan''... much more human-readable! 
 +If you don't know what the hostname of a device is, you can also log into https://opnsense.lan (only while on the StageSoc network) with the ''stagesoc'' user (ask someone who knows the password) to see a list of network devices and IP addresses
 Wifi details are:\\ Wifi details are:\\
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 Password: //ask someone who knows it// Password: //ask someone who knows it//
-===== iSolutions Network =====+===== OpenMediaVault ===== 
 +There is an OpenMediaVault installation at http://openmediavault.lan, however going to this address actually takes you to FileBrowser - a handy web interface for accessing all the files within. Username is stagesoc, ask someone who knows for the password.  
 +FIXME Screenshot? 
 +This is intended as a place to store useful or specific versions of software (such as the Tesira config software or keeping M32 audio drivers close to hand), manuals for equipment and the Sound FX Library. It is also a good place to back up and archive showfiles (be they lighting showfiles, QLab sessions or M32 configs. Please be mindful of the size of files that you store as space is finite (consider transcoding huge video files etc). 
 +It is also possible to mount OpenMediaVault as a SMB network share. This varies by operating system, but the share would be ''\\openmediavault.lan\stagesoc\'' with username stagesoc, you know the idea by now re. passwords. 
 +===== iSolutions Network (for those who are curious) =====
 The iSolutions network sits in the '''' (range: ''''). The upstream gateway is '''', given by DHCP. The iSolutions network sits in the '''' (range: ''''). The upstream gateway is '''', given by DHCP.
-There are six usable isolutions switchports in The Annex. Two are in the Tardis. There are one on each of the lecterns in the theatre/green room. There is one by the door going into the green room, and if you look really carefully there is one on stage right right up high above the lectern. This is assumedly left over from an old wireless access point iSolutions had, but we have used it before and it does work. +There are six usable isolutions switchports in The Annex. Two are in the Tardis. There is one on each of the lecterns in the theatre/green room. There is one by the door going out of the theatre into the green room. If you look really carefully there is one on stage right right up high above the lectern. This is assumedly left over from an old wireless access point iSolutions had, but we have used it before and it does work.  
 +Technically speaking there are more inside the isolutions lecterns, going into the installed wireless access points and going into the back of each projector (yes, they're networked), panopto cameras and phones. But you shouldn't ever unplug any of these devices as isolutions will find out and they will get sad with stagesoc. 
 +All ethernet ports in the annex go into a Cisco 3750X 48 port POE switch in the small cupboard at the back of the green room, where a fibre uplink runs the connection off to one of the campus core switch rooms. 
 +Devices connected to this network must be MAC Address registered. <del>This can be done by the Webmaster by logging into using the ''stagesoc'' isolutions credentials, or by submitting a ticket.</del>
-Devices connected to this network must be MAC Address registered. This can be done by the Webmaster by logging into using the `stagesoc` isolutions credentials, or by submitting ticket.+If you just connect your laptop to this network, you'll be held at a captive portal which you can only sign into if you're ''staff'' or ''phd'' <del>or hold certain type of ''generic'' account (''stagesoc'')</del>
wiki/annex/networking.1600545682.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/09/19 20:01 by joshc