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wiki:covid-19_procedures [2020/11/30 20:50]
wiki:covid-19_procedures [2021/10/26 14:44] (current)
Astramordia Page Out of Date sign added
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 ====== Covid-19 Procedures ====== ====== Covid-19 Procedures ======
 How to act in the annex during the Covid-19 pandemic. How to act in the annex during the Covid-19 pandemic.
 +> :!: **This is not a replacement for the official risk assessment. This is simply a list of advice that will help you keep within the risk assessment.**
 +> :!: FIXME This page is out dated, our current general risk assessment, including COVID-19 measures can be found [[|here]], this page will be updated as soon as possible. 
 ===== Hand Sanitiser ===== ===== Hand Sanitiser =====
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 ===== Common Spaces ===== ===== Common Spaces =====
-Facemasks must be worn at all times while inside the annex, unless an approved medical reason has been given.+Facemasks must be worn at all times while inside the annex, unless an externally approved medical reason has been given.
 Follow the one way/priority systems as laid out. Where an individual has a mobility impairment making following the one-way system difficult, they should be given the right of way. Follow the one way/priority systems as laid out. Where an individual has a mobility impairment making following the one-way system difficult, they should be given the right of way.
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 If the task cannot be avoided, ensure that there are sufficient people to perform the task safely, wear masks, and use hand sanitiser immediately afterwards. If the task cannot be avoided, ensure that there are sufficient people to perform the task safely, wear masks, and use hand sanitiser immediately afterwards.
 +===== Performances =====
 +During a show week, only one person should be operating any equipment (such as the sound and lighting desks) as any one time. Crew members sat at the back of the annex should distance from each other as much as possible.
 +Before a show week, a rota should be created to dictate when crew should show up. This will either be drawn up by the technical director, or by the lighting/sound/stage directors depending on which makes the most sense per show.
 +===== Audience =====
 +Rows/seats should be marked off to ensure audience members are at least 2 distance from the actors, the crew, and other audience members not part of their ‘bubble’.
 +During the interval, require the audience to wait outside the foyer to maintain social distancing, unless the weather is deemed too bad, when the technical director(s) for the show may decide to let them stay seated.
 +Place 2m markers on the ground for the audience to queue when entering the auditorium.
 +When the audience is required to enter or leave, they will be required to do so one row at a time. This will be directed by a member of the crew.
 +Reduce the size of the band/increase the size of the band pit, such that there are 2m of space between each band member (or 1m with robust mitigations methods, such as screens, in accordance to the UK government guidelines). In addition, band will be required to 
wiki/covid-19_procedures.1606769439.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/30 20:50 by johndhawk2