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wiki:covid-19_procedures [2020/11/30 21:08]
johndhawk2 [Common Spaces]
wiki:covid-19_procedures [2021/10/26 14:44] (current)
Astramordia Page Out of Date sign added
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Covid-19 Procedures ====== ====== Covid-19 Procedures ======
 How to act in the annex during the Covid-19 pandemic. How to act in the annex during the Covid-19 pandemic.
 +> :!: **This is not a replacement for the official risk assessment. This is simply a list of advice that will help you keep within the risk assessment.**
 +> :!: FIXME This page is out dated, our current general risk assessment, including COVID-19 measures can be found [[|here]], this page will be updated as soon as possible. 
 ===== Hand Sanitiser ===== ===== Hand Sanitiser =====
wiki/covid-19_procedures.1606770485.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/11/30 21:08 by johndhawk2