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wiki:projection:projectionist [2024/05/11 17:53]
Astramordia Added more text
wiki:projection:projectionist [2024/06/19 22:28] (current)
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-will fill this in - George +FIXME this page is still somewhat of a WIP. wrote most of this and George is [slowly] filling in some of the more technical details. Sorry J.
- +
-Working on it - J+
 =====Projection in the Annex===== =====Projection in the Annex=====
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 NDI is a protocol where you throw Projection onto the network from one computer and then have another computer listening on the same network to then display it. You need the IP address of the diCaffeine box to be able to restart it once you start sending NDI.  NDI is a protocol where you throw Projection onto the network from one computer and then have another computer listening on the same network to then display it. You need the IP address of the diCaffeine box to be able to restart it once you start sending NDI. 
 ===DiCaffeine=== ===DiCaffeine===
-We have a mini-PC running the software known as DiCaffeineIt automatically listens for NDI and displays it once its been turned on, but depending on if there was NDI being broadcast when you turned it on you may need to restart DiCaffeine + 
-====The Projector==== +Dicaffeine is an NDI receiver and output solution whose physical form is an installation running on Dell mini PC (which is labelled as stagesoc-ndi)The configuration interface is available at FIXME [IP address]. Ask someone who Knows for the password. or guess it
-We use the installed isolutions projector via //FIXME(George fill this in when you've made the thing)//+ 
 +====Getting video somewhere==== 
 +The iSolutions projector should project anywhere you might want it to, and is probably better than anything else we could get or hire in anyway. 
 +Put the Dicaffeine box on the lectern and connect the HDMI fly lead and power, and turn the box on. Use the Sy panel and turn the projector on and change the input. You'll also need to roll the projector screen back up. This involves prodding around inside the lectern - ask someone to show you how to do this the first few times. It is quite simple though. 
 +The projector can be adjusted to project elsewhere within reason. This is quite a finicky process and shouldn't be done unless you know what you are doing. If you need to read this and are expecting help, then you probably should not do this yourself. Go and find the Annex Officer and ask. If you change this, it MUST be reset after EVERY SHOW so it is ready for teaching the next day. iSolutions will be sad if they have to come and fiddle with the projector because StageSoc have moved the projection zone, and then they might just say we cannot use the projector at all any more, which is not good. 
wiki/projection/projectionist.1715450035.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/11 17:53 by Astramordia