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Numbers and Dimensions


  • Whole lecture theatre = 152 seats
  • For audience = 139 seats (back couple rows are taken up by tech)

Some shows may have fewer available seats e.g. if speakers are being set up at the back of the room or if the front row cannot be used so the audience is not too close to pyro.

Lighting sockets

Lighting bars:

  • LX1 = 12
  • LX2 = 12
  • LX3 = 16
  • Booms = 3 on each
  • Floor = 3 both SL and SR
  • Total = 52


  • Small = 11 currently working
  • Big = 12 using lighting power, 24 if also using sound power

Stage Dimensions

Exact stage dimensions depend on the positions of the bars

  • Stage width (side bar to side bar) ≈ 8m
  • Back to front tab ≈ 2.5m (any set that goes past the front tab line must be packed away each night)
  • Back tab to front desks ≈ 5.2m


  • Lite Deck = 4ft by 8ft
  • StageSoc Deck = 1m by 2m
  • Deck legs 1,2,3,4, or 5 ft


  • Big flats = 4m x 1.75m
  • Small flats = 4 ft × 8 ft

There is some variation between each flat

FIXME - find number of each type of flat (and no. of door flats)


Both sides (SL and SR) of the front and back tab are the same size. They have metal clips.
Attach every other clip to the black tab runners. There may still be more clips than runners

To close the tab:

Front tab (for both SL and SR):

  • 3 black tab runners behind the side bar, plus the fixed end one (4 total clips on this side)
  • 5 runners along the track over the stage, plus the master runner (this is pulled by the rope) = 6 clips

Back tab

  • 3 clips behind the bar either side

FIXME - check these numbers and find the numbers for open tab during a show

wiki/annex/numbers_and_dimensions.1652098784.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/09 12:19 by AliceC-E