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Covid-19 Procedures

How to act in the annex during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Hand Sanitiser

There should be a set of hand sanitisers kept in small storesmall store, ensure these are easily accessible while people are in the annex. Hand sanitiser should be used when entering and exiting the annex, before and after using shared equipment, and before and after eating.

Common Spaces

Facemasks must be worn at all times while inside the annex, unless an approved medical reason has been given.

Follow the one way/priority systems as laid out. Where an individual has a mobility impairment making following the one-way system difficult, they should be given the right of way.

A maximum of one person can be in any of the stores at any one time, with the exception of big store where up to three people can enter if required to ensure accessing items/putting items away is safely done.

Travelling Together

Separate households must remained distanced while travelling, either by taking separate modes of transport, or avoiding travelling. If separate households have to travel together, they should remain separated as much as possible and appropriate PPE must be worn.

Cleaning Surfaces

All surfaces should be wiped down before and after use using the provided cleaning equipment, stored in small store by the hand sanitiser, as should any shared equipment (such as the sound and lighting desks).

Any often touched hard surfaces, such as the lecture benches and the doors, should be wiped down with alcohol based disinfectant before/after the audience enter/leave.

Protecting "At Risk" People

Society members should be advised to disclose if they fall into the “at risk” category so that extra measures can be taken. Discuss with each individual (ideally using remote communication such as instant messaging or calling) how best to accommodate them and their specific risks.

Audience members who fall into the “at risk” category, and would like reasonable measures to be put in place to accommodate for them, must request so with reasonable notice (at or before the point of sale) for such measures to be implemented.

First Aid

In the event that first aid needs to be provided, this is the highest priority. Facemasks should be worn where possible, and all parties should wash/sanitise their hands and the surrounding area, but only if it doesn't impede the application of first aid.

Tracking Infections

Society members should, in some way, sign in to the annex upon arrival such that they can be contacted if someone develops symptoms/receives a positive test result. If anyone displays symptoms while present in the annex, everyone is required to pack up and leave and to isolate in accordance with the government guidelines.

Tasks Requiring Multiple People

Do not attempt to do a task by yourself, if it requires multiple people to be done safely (such as carrying heavy loads). Either find alternative methods, or avoid the need to perform the task in the first place.

If the task cannot be avoided, ensure that there are sufficient people to perform the task safely, wear masks, and use hand sanitiser immediately afterwards.

wiki/covid-19_procedures.1606769390.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/30 20:49 by johndhawk2