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J will fill this in - George

Working on it - J

Projection in the Annex



NDI is a protocol where you throw Projection onto the network from one computer and then have another computer listening on the same network to then display it. You need the IP address of the diCaffeine box to be able to restart it once you start sending NDI.


We have a mini-PC running the software known as DiCaffeine. It automatically listens for NDI and displays it once its been turned on, but depending on if there was NDI being broadcast when you turned it on you may need to restart DiCaffeine

The Projector

We use the installed isolutions projector via FIXME(George fill this in when you've made the thing)

wiki/projection/projectionist.1715443653.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/11 16:07 by Astramordia